Thursday, September 16, 2010

My First Two Weeks in Business

I have officially been a business owner for 16 days. Wow, it is so weird to say that. But, Damn, does it feel good. Classes started on the 7th and have been going quite well, I must say. Considering, I really haven't advertised. The kids are excited, and making great art. I am excited and finally finishing about 2 dozen half done paintings. It's amazing what a little inspiration can do. I think the best part has been the reaction of the kids on the renovation of the studio. Most are awestruck at first, then they investigate. So far 100% approval rating. So, like I said, not a bad start.  So, now that my business is under way, I move on to bigger things. I was awarded a grant from AT&T for a whole bunch of money, to support the Collinsville Artists Initiative, and all of the town projects we do. The Catch? Artistic Enrichment. All projects must have creative aspects to them. How awesome is that! Halloween Parade, Pumpkin Fest, Mini Golf, Christmas in C'Ville stuff (I guess) Chalk Walks, Art Walks, Octoberfest???? Hmmmm. Something artistic with Octoberfest..... Culinary Arts! So that is next on my list of things to do. Stir the pot, recharge the excitement, bring the artistic values this community thrives on to another level. A new level. It's there, we just have to wake it up. And that my friends, sums up my first two weeks. What else is going on? I'm not sure yet. But I know it will come to me.

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