Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Blank Canvas Isn't Always What Inspires

        It was a busy week, but I have accomplished what I set out to do. And I believe I have succeeded. I have taken a space and made it my own. I have made it bright and inspiring. I have  made it a functional working studio, with great table space and comfortable stools. The room is open and uncluttered, with full afternoon sunlight and music always playing. Everything I always dreamed of in an art studio. And now that dream is my reality.
        Now I start my classes. I have new ideas for the kids. I want to branch out to those who didn't know before. I want to have Gallery Openings for students and let them participate in the preparation, from framing to hanging. Maybe even the refreshments... We'll see.
           I want to give people of all ages the gift of artistic knowledge, for we all have the ability, it is just up to you to use it, encourage it, feed it. It is a gift you can give yourself that can be used for the rest of your life. I am here to provide the space, the tools and the knowledge to use those tools, from painting with acrylics on canvas, or on paper with water color, using oil pastels in a resist, making jewelry with fresh water pearls or glass beads, sculpting with clay, drawing, paper crafting or coloring with a new box of crayons.
            If  you build it they will come, right? 

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