Monday, August 19, 2013

Kids Nature Mandalas

Some were friends, some had never met. Some weeks the kids were all the same age, other weeks it was a bit of a difference. But none of that mattered. From the very first day, they were shown how to work together, communicate, design, build, create, redesign because the wind blew, let go once it was done and be proud they were able to bring a smile to a strangers face, even if they weren't there to see it. I think the best part was that they were unplugged. There was no i-device to arrange flower petals and leaves. The mandalas were creations all their own (sometimes starting the centers would need some inspirational help), and occasionally a passer by would thank the kids for the beauty they created. Now I will share that beauty with you.... Enjoy.


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Third time's a charm

So obviously 'blogging' is not my strong suit. I am going to attempt to change that.
Before, my stories revolved around the studio, the kids and their work. I will continue to share the stories when fitting, but I am also going to use this format as a project log for the crazy amount of different work that I do. All of it. From the paintings to the drawings, the sewing to the sculpting. How I repurpose materials from something old to something new, drab to fab... I could go on. But I think you get the point. I am going to aim for every new piece I begin. I want to tell a small story, show a few photos and then reveal the finished product. That is my goal with this blog spot. So lets see how I do...
I started a new piece yesterday.... My first 'primitive' style hand painted table cloth. Just like with everything else I try, it was more of a challenge. There is a store in town that carries this type of decor but none of it made by local artists. That's another thing I want to change... But that's a different story for another time... Back to the cloth... I started it yesterday afternoon, hopefully it will be done today, we'll see.
As for the 'daily blog' I am hoping at least this much, with every new project (sometimes there is more than one a day) that I can keep up with this. For now though I will consider it as this, a filing cabinet for my memory.
*Quick update: the oddly placed photos in the middle are obviously the finished cloth. Took a day longer than I had hoped but well worth it! Now I can add 'primitive style art' to my list.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


A new year is like a blank canvas, let us see what inspires.
As most of you know, I have already made a major change for 2013, moving the River City Art studio into my home in Collinsville. Just around the corner from the old studio. I hope this is the first step towards many more excellent things to come. New inspirations, new creations. 
The way the program is run will not change. I will continue my mission to help cultivate, inspire, encourage and provide artistic education and appreciation to all ages and abilities. I will continue to provide a place where artists and community members can come together to share ideas, work on projects, explore the creative process and nurture and grow their talents.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. 
I thank you all for giving your children the opportunity to explore their creative sides and create some amazing work that they should be very proud of. 

Much love to you all and hoping for a wonderful 2013 

PS~ Studio Art begins tomorrow! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Being creative is hard work...

Or so I'm told... We started new projects in the studio tonight. Everyone decided to paint on canvas. 2 new right from the start their game plan, what they wanted to do, and how it was going to get done. The other 2... not so much. A tree, "but do I have to paint the branches?" "are there leaves on your tree?" "No. They are falling off." "Then you might need some branches" "why?" "otherwise it is only a tree stump"....  A ballerina, yes... no that's too hard, just the toe shoes... There were sketches, books were taken out, Degas none the less, "he's ok, not very good with ballet dancers though"...hmm,  she's 9 she'll learn. New ideas were thrown around. Feedback was given, apparently not the kind either were looking for... old ideas were scraped and new ideas were formed... toe shoes to egrets.....  I like to let them come up with their own ideas for their paintings, I will offer suggestions, ideas on how to expand their original concept, but... I like that original concept to come from them. From the deepest corner of their minds. It helps them realize who they are.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

River City Art Blog... Take 2

Blogging ~ Take 2....

   Wow. Sorry about that, since Dec. 2010,.... oops. Well, let this be a lesson to myself. I guess the timing of this is perfect, considering the evolution process going on within the studio walls. So I will now look at this Blogging thing as a 'homework assignment' for myself and my studio. If I can remember to feed the cat, I am pretty sure I can remember to write a few things down. All part of the new studio plan, the evolution of River City Art, and myself, as an artist and educator. All part of the living and learning processes.
     So I have decided as part of that process, I am going to share at least one thing a day here, with who ever cares to join me. Whether it is a kids sketch with a story behind it, a finished piece of amazing art or a funny story told by a small child that needs to be shared because you can't make stuff like this up.
     I am sharing with you the process of the imagination. Everyone is different, but the end results are always the same. Joyful, proud and accomplished artists.  

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Their Thoughtfulness Astounds Me

We are half way through the second session at River City and in the midst of the Holiday Season. As new projects are started the question arises, "What would you like to make?" and you can see the wheels turning. After a few moments of silence, in a room of 9 seven to nine year olds, they start to answer one by one. "A drawing for my Grandmother, she likes them and wants one of her own." Another says, "a painting of a boat for my Grandfather, he lives in India and tells me stories about the boats he sees". The ideas keep coming, aunts, uncles, cousins and of course mom & dad. Then there is the actual thought of what they are going to make them.... brainstorming. Amazing.  And truly from the heart. Once they start they just keep going, next is the special teacher... "can I make her a bracelet? She really likes jewelry" they notice everything, they know favorite colors, they know what their little siblings would even want from them. With all the marketing and media around this time of year, it's nice to see the kids in all of my classes really thinking, and using their hearts to create a meaningful gift for someone that means that much to them. So with that in mind, and throwing in a little business, Christmas in Collinsville is quickly approaching on December 10th & 11th! River City Art Center will be participating in the Champagne Walk, the night of the 10th, come in and try my Champagne Punch, a cranberry and Triple sec concoction. Then on Saturday the 11th from 1-3pm I will be having a Free Make and Take Craft Workshop. From painted pinecone christmas trees, jingle bell bracelets, button wreaths and god's eye weavings it is a great way to make a simple something for someone special. Come in from the cold and get inspired!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Loving Every Minute

As the month comes to a close and Autumn has begun, I look forward to what is to come.  I am a Fall baby so this time of year is especially inspiring to me. Now that I have been at this whole business owning thing for a whole month now, I realize, I'm in pretty good shape. I am loving what I am doing, and that is the most important part. But watching the kids that are in classes thrive in the studio recharges my love for it even more. There is something about a 5 year old recreating  Andy Warhol's work or a sixth grader studying every brush stroke of Van Gogh making them her own. I think the best part of it all is being able to share it with everyone. 
I had my first Gallery Event this past Saturday and it was one of the best birthday presents I have ever given myself (hehe). Through the generosity of some wonderful friends and all local artists, in one way or another, I was able to have an amazing event. Even the band was a bunch of locals! Thank You Robot IQ!! Seriously though, from Garth Francis's work borrowed from his wonderful sister Chris, Jenny Knaus's amazing portraits, Jenny Maher's beautiful head ware, Chris O'Herron's stunning painting of a hay field, Peter's oil sketches, Tom Kutz's photo... and all the others, Courtney and Evandras "Scribble Fish", I must stop.... And then there were all those that turned out to see what I had done. My studio. It is bright and in your face. It is also inspiring. A place to dream. I have great feelings about this dream of mine. Great aspirations to give this community a place to go and dream as well. 
October will be a very busy month at River City, 2 Birthday parties planned, A Ghoulish Gallery opening, and River City's Pumpkin Fest and the 17th Collinsville Halloween Parade.  So much to do!! Then the second session of classes begins November 1. How time flies! But like I said, I am truly loving every minute!