Wednesday, August 25, 2010

All Things New

As I start to get ready for the big move next week, going through the process of starting my own business, I realize I am in good company in this venture. This week a friend started his own new venture. Husk opened on Main Street. A great little spot with amazing South American food. I wish Jordan the greatest success and I know he will do well. Another amazingly talented friend is also opening up a business here in town, on Sept 1 (we will share this birthday) TAB Photographic is back in C'Ville where he belongs. Tim's talent as a photographer is beyond words, and I wish him tremendous success as well. So if three is the magic number, than here we are. 
      This a new chapter. A fresh start. I am excited, and ready. I guess with my background in restaurant management, and teaching art classes for the past few years, and working in daycare years ago.... Combine all three... here we are with the three's again... It's a perfect combination. Along with my complete admiration for children, their wisdom amaze's me, this is definitely something I can see myself doing for the rest of my life. So, I have two more days of summer camp, working for someone else. Then, I'm free. Free to be me! To teach the way I want, to be part of things I want, And to give back what has been given to me. 
      I hope this is truly the beginning of the rest of my life....   ~Kate  

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just Sayin'...

So I am officially two weeks away from living my dream! I just have to get through the weekend first. This Saturday at 1 the Downright Music Community Unity Festival 4 starts and there will be some awesome stuff happening. First off I am running the Community Chalk Walk, with judging and prizes.... along with music all day, vendors, artists, breakdancing, graffiti art, I could go on. So come on down and draw, or just see what it's all about! ~Kate

Just Sayin'...

Monday, August 16, 2010

My First Blog... and I said I never would.....

So this is it, my first entry.... Well I will make it simple... In 2 weeks and 2 days, I will be walking into my new studio. My Own Studio. My New Business. River City Art Center is no longer a dream it is a reality.  I have that feeling, you remember the one, of going into say... first grade with your new box of crayons, new pencils, and new construction paper, glue and scissors. Well I have all that and so much more. I also can't wait to have my living room back. It has been an amazing experience thus far, so I can only imagine what's to come. The wonderful support I have had from everyone has made it that much more. But, none of this journey would have been possible if it weren't for my parents. They have been my advocates from the very beginning and will continue to be my biggest supporters, and I will always love and respect them for that. Then Randy's insightful "Rome wasn't built in a day" speech and my daily confidant. Only to be followed up by the love and support of practically an entire town. Which I will always love my fellow C'Ville-ians. So I guess to end my first " dear diary" blog thingy, I say Thank You to all of you that believed in me, who know what I am capable of, and have stood by me for the better part of a year, waiting to see what transpires. This is it.... in 16 days my dreams come true!